Register is an entity which can hold a maximum of 100 names. The register enables the user to add and remove names from the top most end only.
Define a class Register with the following details:
Class name:Register
Data members / instance variables:
stud[ ]:array to store the names of the students
cap:stores the maximum capacity of the array
top: to point the index of the top end
Member functions:
Register (int max):constructor to initialize the data member cap = max, top = -1 and create the string array
void push(String n):to add names in the register at the top location if possible, otherwise display the message “OVERFLOW”
String pop():removes and returns the names from the top most location of the register if any, else returns “$”
void display():displays all the names in the register
(a)Specify the class Register giving details of the functions void push(String) and String pop( ). Assume that the other functions have been defined .
The main function and algorithm need NOT be written .
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public class Register
void push(String n)
if (top< cap-1)
String pop()
if (top>=0)
return stud[top--];
return " $$";